Im International Journal of Management Concepts and Philosophy (IJMCP) - Volume 7, Nummer 2 - ist mein Beitrag „Economics and misanthropy“ (Link) erschienen.
Abstract: Most economic theories contain an idea of humans in
which they are rational and maximise their utility to avoid the hardship
of labour. It is only a small step from such a negative idea of people
to the stereotype of the welfare queen or the deadbeat dad. Drawing on
the idea of what Wilhelm Heitmeyer calls 'group-focused enmity', this
paper discusses the existence of misanthropic elements within the
history of economic thought and current economic debates, e.g., the
example of labour market recommendations of the German Council of
Economic Experts, Gary S. Becker's explanation on capital punishment and
the agency theory, including its application. The paper tries to
stimulate thinking about economic misanthropy. The paper also argues
that economics is not misanthropic by nature since the history of
economic thought contains alternative ideas from Adam Smith, Alfred
Müller-Armack and Peter Ulrich, which could alleviate misanthropic
Zitierweise: Thieme, Sebastian (2013): Economics and misanthropy. In: Int. J. Management Concepts and Philosophy, Vol. 7, No. 2, pp.83–102.
Mein neues Buch „Der Ökonom als Menschenfeind?“, das sich etwas ausführlicher mit der Thematik der ökonomischen Misanthropie beschäftigt, wird - entgegen der ursprünglichen Ankündigung - nun am 18. September beim Budrich-Verlag erscheinen (Link).
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